
European Retriever Championship 2024
30/11 - 1/12 i Lombardiet, Italien

Följande ekipage kommer representera Sverige.

Crosstrials Nike SE11496/2019 förd av Anna Londré (52 meritpoäng)
Holten’s Aurum SE46824/2018 förd av Lena Högfeldt (46 meritpoäng)

Till tävlingens hemsida

Det här gäller

A. The host country will decide how many dogs per country may run.
B. The minimum requirement for a dog representing each country is a FCI-CACIT or a Res- FCICACIT, a CACT or res-CACT or at least an "excellent" in an open field trial.

Each country delegates his best and most consistent dog(s). The selection will be based on results obtained on international field trials or open national field trials held in accordance with the FCI regulations or the Kennel Club regulations.

The five (5) best results of each dog over the past two (2) full shooting seasons are taken into account. If there are field trials before the deadline of entries for the European Championship, these results can also be taken into account.

National field trials

  • A first place (with “Excellent” if applicable) and ticket towards a national title equals 11
  • A second place (with “Excellent” if applicable) equals 9 points
  • A third place (with “Excellent” if applicable) equals 8 points
  • A fourth place (with “Excellent” if applicable) equals 7 points
  • An “Excellent” without a ranking if applicable equals 6 points
  • A Diploma or Certificate of Merit or comparable or a “Very Good” equals 4 points
  • A qualification “Good” equals 2 points

International field trials (FCI-CACIT)

  • FCI-CACIT equals 12 points
  • Res-FCI-CACIT equals 10 points
  • “3rd Excellent” equals 8 points
  • “4th Excellent” equals 7 points
  • “Excellent” equals 6 points
  • “Very Good” equals 4 points
  • “Good” equals 2 points

For the national championship of a country, the same scale as for FCI international field trials can be used, even if the championship itself is not an international field trial.

If two or more dogs have the same number of points, the dog with the highest qualifications (first place, FCI-CACIT, etc…) will be selected. If this does not resolve the ex-aquo, the dog with the most recent results will be selected.

The defending winner of the last FCI-ERC has a fixed run in the following one.

A handler shall only handle one dog if there are enough dogs with qualifications.

The dog is qualified with the handler with whom he achieved the results.

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